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I Leave It In Your Hands

Mastocytosis Flare Recovery Month 8 Day 13


Should We Stay Or Should We Go?

Since we have been home from our trip it has been a whirlwind to say the least. While on a recent trip to the beach nearly all the symptoms went away. You can read more about that here. Many of you wrote to me saying we should move, others have encouraged us to get a vacation home on the beach to allow me to travel to seasonally. My mast cell specialist was very encouraged about my progress while away and not surprised symptoms returned after a few days. He said my seven-day trip was not long enough. He wants me to go away for a month during the fall flare time. In theory this will not only help heal my current symptoms but also avoid getting worse during the most dangerous time of year. We are working out arrangements to make that happen. Although a month-long trip to the beach may sound great, there are many details to work out. Add to that all the arrangements if you are on a PICC line and receiving home health care.

Hidden Triggers

Since I generally get better when going out-of-town, my doctor wants me to run a little experiment to see if I am reacting to something in my home that we are missing. This week I am staying with my parents. It has been good spending time with them. We will know more by the end of the week how it will turn out. The fact that my swelling started to return 93 miles from the coast tells me that it is likely environmental. However, like everything else with this disease, there are many pieces to the puzzle. We are going to be diligent and run down any possibility he suggests.

Leave it in His Hands

At this time our future us unclear. Our thoughts are filled with confusion and hope.  God is bigger! I want to share my new fav song that I have been listening to repeatedly. I’m so grateful for artists that write music that express what is in my heart and soul. I hope this song blesses you today.  No matter what you are going through God is bigger.

In your hands by Unspoken

The dawn is breaking and I can hear Your whisper in the breeze

The world is waking and I am here to meet You on my knees

When I’m with You my soul finds rest

Cause I can leave it in Your hands

The day keeps coming pulling me a million different ways

I’m always running but never seem to catch the things I chase

When I’m with You my soul finds rest

Cause I can leave it in Your hands

Every sorrow, I leave it in Your hands

Every sickness, I leave it in Your hands

All my failures, I leave them in Your hands

Amen, I leave it in Your hands

So I am laying the weight of all these burdens at Your feet

No more waiting, cause You’ve already won my victories

In Jesus my soul finds rest

Cause I can leave it in Your hands

Every promise, I leave it in Your hands

Every healing, I leave it in Your hands

And my future, I leave it in Your hands

Amen, I can leave it in Your hands

It’s Your hands that form the mountains

Your hands set boundaries for the seas

And in Your hands You hold tomorrow

The same hands that took the nails for me

Every sorrow, I leave it in Your hands

Every sickness, I leave it in Your hands

All my failures, I leave them in Your hands

Amen, I can leave it in Your hands

Every promise, I leave it in Your hands

Every healing, I leave it in Your hands

And my future, I leave it in Your hands

Amen, I can leave it in Your hands

I can leave it in you hands.



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