
Great Mast Cell Beach Experiment Days 9 & 10

Day 9

This morning I woke up and it was as if a light switch had been flipped. I had a clear mind and lots of energy but my throat was very painful so I wondered if it was badly swollen . When I looked, not only was the swelling down significantly but I could move and flex the back of my throat and tonsils. As a singer this is normally a pretty easy thing to do but something I have not been able to do for almost a year. It has been so swollen it was as if the whole area was paralyzed. I just chalked up the sore throat to muscle spazems and by mid day the pain was gone. Praise The Lord!

Day 10

Woke up this morning at 5:30. Although I am more of a night owl than a morning person, this has been the trend here in Florida. I was out on the balcony watching the sunrise, thinking about how much better I am finally feeling, concerned about what it’s going to be like when I go back home, and doing devotions. This was one of today’s verses from Jesus Calling: “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you. ” Genesis 28:15

Hope and healing,


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