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Catching Up and Duck Dynasty

Mastocytosis Flare Recovery month 9 day 15

Happy happy happy

Lots to catch you up on.

Month long trip

Many of you have ask me if we are moving to the beach. In short, we don’t know. At this point we are going to follow my doctor advice and I will take a month long trip this fall during the most dangerous time of the year. The hope is to avoid the backsliding that usually occurs at this time of year but also to heal and get better.

Beautiful flooring

In an effort to do everything in our power to make Oklahoma work out for us, we spent the last month identifying potential mast cell triggers. This week my loving hubbie took the carpeting out of the rooms that I spend the most time in. To avoid the dust and odors associated with installation, the new floors will be put in while I am gone this fall. This leaves a gap with only the bare concrete floors. A couple of weeks ago, my balloon on my feeding tube broke and I had to have it replaced. Thankfully anesthesia was not needed. When the tube was removed I commented on how disgusting it was. Dr. Miner said ” this is your lifeline, it is beautiful”. His seven simple words have caused a real change in my outlook. He was right, my image of beautiful needed shifting. My concrete floors are helping me to eliminate triggers, they are reducing my allergen exposure, they are helping me get better. They are beautiful

Formula test

My last post to you detailed my adventures of trying my new formula. I am happy to report there were no major side effects. It took my body a really long time but it did process the formula and with out any allergic reaction! PTL!

Medicine test

On the other hand, I recently tried another new compounded medication and it did not go as well. It was a good reminder of how far I have come.

Last minute trip

Many if you know my daughter just graduated this May. She planned a Florida trip for her and three if her girlfriends. At the last minute one of the girls was unable to go and wanted to gift the trip to someone to bless them. I was so excited they invited me to tag along. As I write this, I am in the car in the middle of Mississippi. I will be posting about my progress in the days ahead. Here is a little selfie.

Duck Dynasty

Last night we spent the night in Monroe, Louisiana, home of Duck Commander and the popular television show Duck Dynasty. Before we left town we made a little pit stop to check it out. No Robertson family sighting at the shop but we had a fun time.

Us with si from duck dynasty

I wonder if I’m the first person to be running TPN at Duck Commander.



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