
Facebook Updates and Upcoming Posts

For a couple of months now I have posted every day on Facebook.  I have not traditionally been a big “Facebooker” so I’m a little out of my comfort zone.  It originally began as a way for me to communicate with my amazing friends who have supported and prayed for me during this current health crisis. Friends wanted a  way to check in on me but were unsure if I would be resting or not feeling well. The response to my updates have been overwhelming. Some masto friends say it’s helpful for them to verify if it is just them feeling bad that day or if it is the Masto. Many have suggested that I make those available here on the blog. I’m not sure if I will post my FB status on the blog everyday but we will see. I have several fun posts coming up. The Great Gluten Free Bread Bake-Off,  How to Cook  Like Your Grandma in a Fast Food Culture,  What’s in your Medication?, How to Save Money While Eating Organic, Cooking Quick Tips, and several food tutorials.  Some of the food tutorials are mast cell friendly and some are for everyone. You probably cook for people who do not have the disease so let’s make it as easy as possible on you. If you don’t want to miss a post be sure to follow me and subscribe by clicking on the little yellow flower down at the bottom of the page. Here is the post from yesterday, which marks six months since my anaphylactic reaction…. that really has not completely gone away.   

Day 181 (Thursday) Today marks 6 months. In many ways it seems longer than six months but I remember it like it was yesterday. Regardless, it has been a roller coaster ride. I had expected to be on a formula long before now and off the PICC line. I had expected to be off the steroids and not have any throat swelling after this long. It is life unexpected. We all face life unexpected, perhaps not in matters of a rare incurable disease but unexpected disappointments none the less. No matter what I have faced, God has been there showing me that none of this is unexpected to Him and he’s got this.

Blessings friends!


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