Mastocytosis Flare Recovery Month 9 Day 16

Road Trip
After two days on the road, we finally arrived in Florida. I don’t like sitting for so long but really enjoy seeing new and different things along the way. I find America is pretty interesting and it’s people are very diverse. One of the best parts of a road trip for me are all the strange and funny little things you see along the way. This was a Dallas restroom that had an honest to goodness old-fashioned metal prison door on it- yikes! I knew no one would believe me so…

You ask yourself “Did she really take a photo of a bathroom door? ” Yep, that just happened! When I sent this image to my hubbie he said they just didn’t want anyone to steal the TP- lol!
I have been struggling with this latest round of severe allergic relations since fall 2013. On a recent family vacation to the beach nearly ally my symptoms went away. In May it took about 4 days to really get the full effect of feeling better. You can read about that here if you missed the original post. I have been here about 24 hours and I have started to see some improvement.
- I am able to go outside without wearing a mask. Other than our beach trip in May it has been months since I could do that. I tried on the road yesterday in both Louisiana and Mississippi and it was no bueño.
- I have been unable to wear any make up of any kind, including lip balm, for more than nine months. Today, I was able to use a tiny amount of coconut oil. My lips were very happy!
- Sunscreen has been a huge problem for many years. Today I was able to use some California a Baby Super Sensitive stick without being sick.
- We were in town just a few hours when the girls mentioned how much better my color was. What do you think?

On the agenda
Healing begins
Many of you have told me you love when I post a song or lyrics. In our family we joke about our Soundtrack of Life because it always seems there is a song or verse that fits the situation perfectly. I have been thinking of this chorus all day, it’s Healing Begins by Tenth Avenue North.
This is where the healing begins, oh
This is where the healing starts
When you come to where you’re broken within
The light meets the dark, the light meets the dark
Hope and joy to you,
Michelle DeYoung liked this on Facebook.
You are beautiful as always. Love you.
Lisa Windle-Westbrook liked this on Facebook.
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Praying for your full & complete recovery in every way. Praying for what seems to be impossible and scary to hope for. Praying for health & restoration for your body.
You do look much better already. I’m hoping to make a trip to Huntington Beach, CA (my childhood home) in the Fall and am eager to see if it helps me. Your updates are so encouraging!
Praying for great mercy from our Heavenly Father! Thank you for sharing and standing in your faith!
Pam Hilton liked this on Facebook.
Becca Hollon liked this on Facebook.
Christal, your faith journey is amazing! God is showing the rest of us how faithful He is! Thank you for allowing Him to use you.
Sheryl Moshier Owings liked this on Facebook.
Jackie Jackson liked this on Facebook.
Paula Pilates Koehn liked this on Facebook.
Teresa Daugherty Hannay liked this on Facebook.
thank you for the update! enjoy your time there lv u
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