Storms of Life

Right before we arrived here in Florida the remnants of a big tropical storm pounded the shore leaving behind broken shells and an uneven shoreline. The evidence that something very violent happened here was evident. Over the past few days we have had several big storms blow in including a really bad one overnight. I know it was bad because the sound woke me up. That is not unusual In Oklahoma but here the Florida the condo I’m staying in has big heavy hurricane windows and doors and the building is solid concrete. It can be storming like mad outside with ten feet of visibility but you won’t hear a thing inside. So for this storm to be so bad that it woke all three of us from a dead sleep, it had to be quite a storm. The next day it continued to rain all day and into nightfall.

Today you can say it is the calm after the storm. It was nice to wake to today and see the sun poke its head up after so many days of rainy and stormy weather. The water is a beautiful aqua and so clear I can see through the waves. The shore line has been smoothed. It’s a nice gradual walk into the water, and all the broken bits of shell have been whisked away leaving only soft white sand under the surf.

This reminds me of our lives and the trial we go through. Sometimes the storms in our lives produce brokenness. The evidence can be seen all around us. If the storm continues for an extended period of time or if it is particularly strong or devastating there may be no area of our lives that goes untouched. It may seem overwhelming. As the battle rages on, it appears as though troubles will never end. Then there are times when wake to see the storm has purify or prune us of the unnecessary junk in our lives. What seems painful in the heat of the battle actually helps to remove the obstacles between us and living a healthy, balanced, and purpose filled life. What is left behind is a simplified peace, a new normal.

Genesis tells us we live in a broken fallen world. There will be troubles and trials, there is no if about it. Jesus was the only perfect man and he had more than his share of troubles. If Jesus experienced pain and suffering in this world, why are we surprised when we do? This is not Heaven. Jesus tells us in John 14:30 that this world is ruled by Satan. BUT he does not have the last word. We have a Redeemer who uses everything, if we let Him. The storms of this life will not have the last word. Hold on tight to The Rock and be encouraged by theses words:
There’s more to come: We continue to shout our praise even when we’re hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next. In alert expectancy such as this, we’re never left feeling shortchanged. Quite the contrary—we can’t round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit!
Romans 5:3-5The Message (MSG)
Hope and healing,
The information contained on this blog is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. This is my experience and for informational purposes only. Please seek the advice of your physician regarding treatment for any medical condition.
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Renda is at our place in Orlando and said we got about 3inches of rain yesterday. Must have moved north and hit you overnight.
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