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Great Mast Cell Beach Experiment Day 12

Today the last of my reactions from the  jelly sting were all gone. I feel great! I noticed that my rings were so loose I was afraid I one in particular might fall off. Although I have lost over 75 pounds in the last year, my hands have been so swollen that my rings cut into my fingers leaving deep red divots. Even just a few days ago I had to remove them for fear of having to get them cut off. Now the divots are gone and the rings slide and twist. I need to remove them again but for a very different reason.

The kids flew home yesterday. my daughter Brittany who also has a mast cell disorder called to tell me that before she even got out of the airport she began it stuff up. They went to the grocery store to get a few thing and before she could get home she began to break out in hives. Overnight she got worse and today she has a headache, bad joint pain, and that pesky lymph node in her neck is swollen and painful again. During my weekly call with my doctor’s office I learned that fall flare season is in full swing back home. I’m glad I am recovering here unstead of getting more sick there. I’m not going to lie, I’m nervous about going back. I pray fall flare and cedar seasons are gone by then.

We ran a bunch of errands in the afternoon but made it back in time to watch the sunset. I am just trying to soak in all of God’s beauty. There is a local restaurant we visited last week when my aunt and cousin were in town. They have a unique practice. They celebrate sunset each night by shooting off a cannon. We don’t have a cannon but the thought of stopping what we are doing and celebrating sunset was a pretty fun thing to do. As a photographer I’m envisioning all these pics as massive prints covering my walls. Tonight I am thanking The Father for healing and for the beauty he has created.

Hope and healing,


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Great Mast Cell Beach Experiment Day 11

Day 11
My son is a high school senior this year and my daughter just graduated college. I’ve not been able to get out and do many shoots this past year so last night the kids and went out at sunset. The photo above is a picture of the back of my camera so the quality is not very good. I didn’t bring my computer with me so it all the images will have to stay on my memory cards until I get home. I am dying to get my hands on these! I am so excited I was able to capture my handsome son with this purple and orange creamsicle sunset!
While taking some pics in the water I got stung by a jelly fish. All three of us were pretty nervous as even normal people can react violently to jellies let alone someone who literally reacts to tap water. I did have a bit of a reaction. My throat swelled, I had a raised red welt where the little guy got me, nauseated, swollen upper lip, dizzy, etc. I was thankful my throat was much bigger to start with or it could have been a much bigger problem. We put vinegar on the welt and the redness got much better and the swelling went down but then I started reacting to the vinegar, that smell just sets me off! Anyway, we did not need to use the Epi pen or go to the ER and after a few hours felt much better. The next day I felt like I do most days back home. My throat is smaller than it has been the last couple of days, upper lip is numb and swollen, abdominal pain is back, I have a killer headache, and just feeling drained in general. I think I will feel better in a few days.
Today the kids fly home and my parents fly in. I’m really going to miss my kiddos! My daughter is my constant side kick and makes sure I don’t embarrass myself with any fashion faux pas. My son is beyond helpful and makes us laugh like a bazillion times a day. I have no idea what I’m going to do with out them! I’m looking forward to chilling on the beach with my parents, visiting, doing some photography, watching movies and M*A*S*H reruns. I am blessed with a great family!

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Great Mast Cell Beach Experiment Days 9 & 10

Day 9

This morning I woke up and it was as if a light switch had been flipped. I had a clear mind and lots of energy but my throat was very painful so I wondered if it was badly swollen . When I looked, not only was the swelling down significantly but I could move and flex the back of my throat and tonsils. As a singer this is normally a pretty easy thing to do but something I have not been able to do for almost a year. It has been so swollen it was as if the whole area was paralyzed. I just chalked up the sore throat to muscle spazems and by mid day the pain was gone. Praise The Lord!

Day 10

Woke up this morning at 5:30. Although I am more of a night owl than a morning person, this has been the trend here in Florida. I was out on the balcony watching the sunrise, thinking about how much better I am finally feeling, concerned about what it’s going to be like when I go back home, and doing devotions. This was one of today’s verses from Jesus Calling: “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you. ” Genesis 28:15

Hope and healing,


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